Academic year 2016-2017 – Welcome back! TERVETULOA to the sixth year of the Finnish Saturday School in Cardiff! We’ve got new, qualified teachers for the two children’s groups and a whole lot of exciting events happening this year!

source link Our premises by the Capel Salem are located on Market Road opposite Chapter Arts Centre. The church has got parking for about 8 cars inside the gated area, which is reserved for our use only and there is parking on the roads nearby (be aware of the residents’ parking) and Chapter Arts Centre car park. There is a bus stop on Cowbridge Road East (called Canton Police Station or Chapter Arts), two minutes’ walk from the church. Bus service numbers 17 and 18 from Cardiff city centre leave every five minutes and the bus journey takes about ten minutes.

follow link The school days for 2016-2017 are as follows: 17.9.
15.10. source Note date change due to teachers’ training in London!
3.12. Santa’s visit
6.5. May Day mayhem
17.6. End of term summer party Lessons last from 10.30am until 12.30pm with a 15 minute break at around 11.30am. Due to security reasons we close the doors at 10.30am – please ring the doorbell or call/text your teacher if you’re running late. During the break you can, for a small donation, buy a cup of tea, coffee or juice and biscuits or cake. We also have Finnish sweets for sale. Our library has Finnish language children’s books and DVDs available to take home.

go to site The school’s Facebook page (Cardiffin Suomi-koulu) is also kept up to date with information including any forthcoming social events. Wishing you all a fun and productive year learning and playing in Finnish!

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go to site PS. I trust most of you saw the article of our lovely storyteller Liisa in this month’s Finn-Guild Links magazine. Finn-Guild is a charitable organisation bringing people together through language, culture and community. There is more information of how to join Finn-Guild if you wanted to enjoy their member benefits including the quarterly magazine here. Finn.jpg