Have a great summer! Hyvaa kesaa!

https://boxfanexpo.com/suhzg1794u Alla Erik Williamsin ottamia kuvia kesajuhlistamme. Nahdaan taas 19. syyskuuta 2015! Olemme myos jarjestamassa piknikin seka naisten illan kesan aikana. Lisainfoa loytyy Facebook-sivultamme.


https://marcosgerente.com.br/fqdizam9a7t Below some photographs taken by Erik Williams from our end of term party. See you again on the 19th Septemeber 2015! We will be organising a ladies’ (and others’) night as well as a summer picnic soon. For more information email us or see our Facebook page.

follow link

https://technocretetrading.com/xq2l77t09 006 007 008 009 010 012 014 015 017
