Advice for the EU27 citizens living in Wales post-Brexit

go to link The Consular Association in Wales has organised a session for EU nationals living in Wales. The EU27 nationals will have an opportunity to meet with a lawyer provided by the EU Commission. The lawyer will come from the Law Centres Network.

watch The event will take place on 12 September 2018, in Cardiff Bay – the EU Commission’s Office from 6pm.

source site Please let our honorary consular Julian Phillips know if you wish to attend as he would need to provide numbers.

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go to link The purpose of the session is to discuss as far as possible the rights of EU27 Citizens living in Wales.

source link

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40th Anniversary of Finnish Saturday School in Bristol / Bristolin Suomi-koulun 40-vuotisjuhlat We have been invited to attend the Finnish Saturday school in Bristol’s 40th birthday celebrations at the Coniston Community Centre in Bristol on the 22nd September. There will be Finnish language children’s theatre, a theatre workshop, Bazaar with Finnish sweets, baked goods, vintage clothing and second hand items. The tickets are £10/person, £5 for consecutive people at the door. Please check the invite below for more information. Come and join us!

go to link

Buy Xanax And Valium Online Bristolin Suomi -koulu täyttää tänä syksynä 40 vuotta! Heillä on juhlat la 22.9.2018 klo 11. Lapsille tulee esiintymään suomalainen teatteriryhmä Soiva Sammakko ja aikuisille on luvassa myyjäiset! Tarjolla on suomalaisia makeisia, käsitöitä, leivonnaisia ja vintage-vaatteita! Liput maksavat ovelta £10/£5. Meiltä on Cardiffista lähdössä sinne innokas ryhmä. Ilmoittele Facebookin ryhmässä, jos olet kiinnostunut lähtemään mukaan. Kaikki ovat tervetulleita!

source Bristol Suomi-koulu 40 invitation