Take part in the European Union Multi-National Families research

https://boxfanexpo.com/xo5hix6co Social anthropologist in the Geography Department (FASS) at the Open University, Milton Keynes Dr Carol Brown-Leonardi is conducting research on understanding how couples and families in multi-national relationships with British people are affected by Brexit.

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Buy Valium China She is interested in hearing the opinions and decisions that Finnish/British couples have made as a result of the Brexit process.


Buying Diazepam 2Mg Anyone wishing to participate can remain anonymous. The research results will be used for peer-review papers. There is also the hope to gather enough material to propose a radio or TV programme, which could give people a platform to show their stories.


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go to link Please feel free to contact Dr Carol Brown-Leonardi and/or the Head of Department Dr Shonil Bhagwat who can verify the legitimacy of the research, ethics procedures and any other queries.


Buy Valium From India Online The research team is also looking to interview married and co-habiting couples. The interviews are paid at £25 per interview and can be done over the telephone or face-to-face. A copy of the Open University ethical guidelines and a consent form would have to be signed before the interviews are conducted.

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https://www.parolacce.org/2024/09/18/ytsb3oz For more information, please get in touch with Kaisa or Dr Carol Brown-Leonardi.
