Suomi-koulu cancelled until futher notice / Suomi-koulun tapaamiset on toistaiseksi peruttu The school board has today taken the decision to cancel our Suomi-koulu meet ups until further notice. This is in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.


click here It is likely that many pupils, volunteers and teachers would have decided not to attend or that official advice will soon recommended social distancing. This could have resulted in not running the school as planned. We will take action to inform how to either reimburse a part of the yearly fees or organise additional meet ups once the  outbreak has calmed down. Suomi-koulun tapaamiset on toistaiseksi peruttu koronavirus COVID-19-tartuntatautiepidemian johdosta.

source link Cardiffissa monia tapahtumia on jo peruttu koronaviruksen vuoksi ja peruutuksia tulee luultavasti lisää. Pitäkää toisistanne huolta, nähdään taas epidemian laannuttua!

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