Finn-Guild’s Annual General Meeting/Finn-Guildin vuosikokous The two Lauras, Laura Harjapaa and Laura Sorvala will be representing Wales at Finn-Guild’s Annual General Meeting on 24 March. Laura H. is also an Executive Committee candidate.

follow url If you have a message you would like them to take to the meeting, including ideas and wishes for Finn-Guild activities in our area, please don’t hesitate to contact the school at


follow Laura Harjapaa ja Laura Sorvala edustavat Walesia Finn-Guildin vuosikokouksessa 24 maaliskuuta. Laura H. on myos ehdolla Finn-Guildin johtokuntaan. Jos sinulla on viesti, jonka haluaisit heidan vievan vuosikokoukseen tai ideoita ja toivomuksia Finn-Guild toiminnan suhteen, ota yhteytta kouluun About Finn-Guild Finn-Guild, officially the Finnish Church Guild, is the largest Finnish-British organisation with 10,000 members divided between the two countries. The organisation, founded in 1965, promotes Finnish language and culture in Britain, supports all levels of cultural exchanges between the two countries, and works for the benefit of the Finnish-British community.

see Finn-Guild receives no funding from either government, and finances its work through membership fees and income from its travel agency, Guild Travel Ltd. In Britain, Finn-Guild supports the Finnish schools, offers language courses, gives scholarships for student exchanges and runs a Finnish book and DVD library. Finn-Guild also organises information events for senior and young families, and runs cultural events and concerts. The quarterly magazine, Horisontti, reaches the Finnish-British community in both countries, and the website offers a lively discussion forum and information services. Finn-Guild supports the work of the Finnish Seamen’s Church in London, and has built the Finnish Friendship Network to help the Finns and their families in need. Finn-Guild has been a member of the Finnish Expatriate Parliament since its beginning, and promotes issues concerning all expatriates. In Finland we organise events for bi-lingual families and Brits and friends of Britain.

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