AGM/vuosikokous Ohessa kutsu Cardiffin Suomi-koulun vuosikokoukseen ja alustava esityslista. Tervetuloa kaikki kiinnostuneet mukaan!

click here Please see below the invite to the Annual General Meeting of the Finnish Saturday School in Cardiff and the agenda. Please come along if you would like to decide how the school is run next year! Invite Agenda

Suomalainen jumalanpalvelus/Finnish Church Service and spring gathering of the Finnish Circle Jokavuotinen suomalainen jumalanpalvelus on Cardiffissa 27.4. klo 15.
Osoite:Bethel Welsh Chapel, Plassey Street, Penarth, CF64 1EL Sirkkuun voi ottaa yhteyttä, jos haluat tuoda nyyttikestipöytään suolaista tai makeaa.

source url Toivottavasti näemme siellä! The annual Finnish Church Service in Cardiff will take place on 27/4 at 3pm.
Address:Bethel Welsh Chapel, Plassey Street, Penarth, CF64 1EL
The service will be partly in Finnish and partly in English. Please contact Sirkku if you would like to contribute to the buffet table. Hope to see you there!

The BBC Philharmonic Orchestra – Sibelius A message from Finnish learner Erik below. If you would like to know more about Sibelius, ask Erik at class! Jos kukaan haluaa matkata Manchesteriin kesäkuussa, the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra soittaa Sibeliuksen kaikki sinfoniat Bridgewater Hallissa:

06/06 sinfoniat 1+5
08/06 4+2
13/06 3+6+7

Orkesterinjohtaja on Jon Storgårds.

Etsimme opettajia

Cardiffin Suomi-koulu etsii taas uusia sijaisopettajia ensi lukuvuodelle.

Jos sinulla on kokemusta pienten lasten kanssa puuhailusta ja leikin varjolla oppimisesta, tai sitten aikuisten opetus ja sinua kiinnostaa hauska palkkatyö koulun parissa ja voit sitoutua hommaan vuodeksi, ota meihin yhteyttä.

Ladies’ night 15. 2. Naisten ilta

Tavatataan Bill’s-ravintolassa hyvän ruoan ja juoman merkeissä! Tervetuloa kaikki Suomi-piirin naiset ja naisenmieliset!

We’ve booked a table for 12 people from 7pm at Bill’s. All ladies from the Finnish school and Finnish circle welcome.

Do let us know by emailing suomikoulucardiff [AT] if you intend to come along so that we can let the restaurant know in advance!

Piano Recital in Mansion House 30/01 including Sibelius

There’s going to be a piano recital in Mansion House on 30th January that will include music from Sibelius.

Ruth, the Swiss consul in Cardiff, has organised several such recitals in the past and they’ve always been popular and enjoyable. They’re always a sell-out so people will need to buy their tickets off Ruth beforehand.

The concert will be attended by the Lord Mayor and Erik from the Finnish Saturday School – he will be at the school on Saturday if you have any questions.

Mansion House, which is in Richmond Road, is an elegant building in its own right and well worth a visit.

For more information, please see the Mansion House flyer.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hyvää Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta kaikille Suomi-koululaisille!

See you on the 12th January 2013!

Below some photos from the Christmas party, taken by John.

The next Finnish Saturday School and Finnish Community in Wales Christmas party are taking place on Saturday 8th December.

Toddler/baby group as well as the beginners’ group will have their sessions upstairs and Suomi-koulu for 3-8-year olds will be held downstairs in the church hall.

Lessons last from 10.30am until 12.30pm with a 15 minute break at around 11.30am. During the break you can, for a small donation, buy a cup of tea, coffee or juice and biscuits or cake. We also have Finnish sweets for sale. The Finnish Community in Wales Christmas party will kick off after the Suomi-koulu classes finish around 1pm – please bring your favourite Christmas delicacies or any prizes to the raffle! It will be an informal event with Christmas songs, a play from the children, a raffle, Christmas food and drinks. We will also have Finnish sweets as well as second-hand Finnish books for sale and recycle Finnish magazines for free – please help yourself to them!

Buy Diazepam Wholesale We look forward to welcoming old and new friends to the event. Mrs Santa may pay a visit too with some treats to the youngest participants!

The remaining school days for 2012-2013 are as follows:

Saturday 8th December (Wales Finnish community Christmas party in the afternoon)
Saturday 12th January
Saturday 9th February
Saturday 9th March
Saturday 23rd March
Saturday 13th April
Saturday 11th May
Saturday 25th May

To cover the costs the fees for the first year for those living in CF post code area will be:

£55 Parent and toddler group (@ £5 per 2h lesson – babies under 6 months free)
£55 Suomi-koulu group for over 3-year-olds (@ £5 per 2h lesson)
£88 Beginners’ adult Finnish classes (@ £8 per 2h lesson)

Please make cheques payable to the Finnish Saturday School in Cardiff. You can hand your cheques to Virpi in the coffee shop.

FAMILY DISCOUNT: Second/third/fourth family member will only pay half price – cheaper one(s) half price.

People living outside the CF area can pay cash or cheque on a pay-as-you-go basis at the school, £5 for children’s classes and £8 for beginners’ classes. Cheaper one half price.

There are student etc. discounts available – please ask!

If you would like to help with organising events, singing to the children or baking cakes, please do get in touch! We are currently looking for people for fundraising, managing the library and helping out at the Christmas party on the 8th December. Any help is gratefully appreciated.

The Finnish Saturday School was able to carry it activities thanks to a grant from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture and a start-up money from Finn-Guild. We want the school to be accessible to everyone interested in the Finnish language and culture. To keep the tuition fees low, we’re always looking for sponsors! If you have any useful contacts or would like to make a donation to our Christmas raffle, please let us know! Thank you in advance.

New term/uusi lukuvuosi

The new term at the Finnish Saturday School in cardiff begins on the 22nd September at 10.30am at the Bethel United Reformed Church.

Bethel United Reformed Church
Llangranog Road
CF14 5BL
Wishing you all a fun and productive year learning and playing in Finnish!

Cardiffin Suomi-koulun toinen lukuvuosi alkaa lauantaina 22. syyskuuta klo 10.30. Bethel United Reformed Church:in tiloissa.

Bethel United Reformed Church
Llangranog Road
CF14 5BL

Voit tuoda ilmottautumislomakkeen mukanasi ja antaa Virpille kahvilassa. Nähdään koululla!